Biology 111 Laboratories

Summer 2013

Course Lecturers:

Evenings (M/W): James Stark

Days (M-Th): Glover W. Martin

Laboratories begin June 3rd and 4th.

Location: M-1-114 & 116

Students : You can purchase copies of the lab manual at Quinn Graphics (~$11), located on the Lower Level (LL) of the Quinn Service Building (S/LL/042).

Get there before 5pm!

Call Quinn Graphics for info @ 617-287-5020

(The lab will be available online as well, click on the pdf to read so you are prepared for lab.)














Day & Dates
Lab Exercises Syllabus (schedule 2013)
Downloads, links & information ------------- Appendix
W/Th 5/29-30

0. No Laboratory

General lab information and guidelines

Equipment sheet

Buy your lab manual at Quinn Graphics (S/LL/042)

Read the Lab Guidelines and lab #1 (link to pdf is below).



1. Experimenting with Planarians/Organizing Data & Displaying Data: Tables & Graphs pdf

Use of the Microscope: Introduction to Cells pdf

Lab Safety Guidelines

Graphing link:

How to write a lab report

Lab report grading form




2. Chemical Models, Properties, & Structures pdf

Java you'll need it for the downloads

Chemical Structures Computer Exercise

M/Tu 6/10-11

3. Protein Structure pdf


Download protein investigator

Link to exercise with Lysozyme-Click on this for lab!

W/Th 6/12-13

4. GFP pdf


3d Structure of GFP
M/Tu 6/17-18

5. Cellular Respiration and Fermentation pdf

W/Th 6/19-20

6. Photosynthesis pdf

Wavelength Effect on Algea Growth-Chlorella Experiment pdf

Images of leaf cross sections (C3 and C4 Plants)
M/Tu 6/24-25

7. Virtual Genetics Lab (VGL) pdf

Mitosis pdf

You will also take a set of measurements today: of 5 days of Chlorella growth.

Download VGL program

W/Th 6/26-27

8. Meiosis pdf

Molecular Biology I : DNA Replication pdf

Molecular Biology I: Transcription pdf

You will also take a set of measurements today: of 7 days of Chlorella growth.




9.Aipotu I pdf , Aipotu II pdf, Aipotu III pdf

You will take the final set of Chorella Growth measurements today: 12 days.

Download Aipotu

Interactive links and videos from Howard Houghs Medical Institute



Holiday: Independence Day - No Laboratories  



10. Lab Exam  
W/Th 7/10-11

No Laboratory




Updated June 2013 Y Y. Vaillancourt Biology Department UMass Boston