Workplace Health and Safety

A Joint Labor and Management Committee


This committee was established via an agreement between labor and management to coordinate the health and safety provisions of the various collective bargaining agreements. As such, it derives its function from those agreements, although its work may provide recommendations or requests for action by university departments or individuals in their official capacities, up to and including the Chancellor.

Mission Statement

To serve as a university-wide ombudsman: receiving reports of incidents, concerns, and issues; providing recommendations to improve processes related to workplace health and safety; and maintaining communication regarding workplace health and safety, for a diverse and representational group of university personnel.

The objectives of this committee include but are not limited to:
1. Initiating discussion surrounding incidents and issues of concern
2. Providing follow through of existing issues until adequately resolved
3. Facilitating access to and dissemination of existing health and safety protocols and other educational information to the broader University community.
4. Examining health and safety problems/issues and developing plans/procedures to address them
5. Reviewing processes and recommending improvements to data collection and reporting systems that track hazards, incidents and injuries on campus

These objectives may be modified from time-to-time as deemed necessary to support the mission of the committee.


Current topics & links


Air Quality


WH&S Wiki Sign in with your email username and password to comment or view documents.


I have concerns regarding Health and Safety on Campus, what do I do?

I would like to be part of improving WH&S, how can I participate?

Contact the committee

Useful information and helpful links

Committee Members

Anna Beckwith

NTF Nontenured Track Faculty

Bill Collins

Nathan J Cooper

CSU Classified Staff Union

Shauna Lee Manning

CSU Classified Staff Union

Thomas M McClennan II

PSU Professional Staff Union

Yvonne Vaillancourt

PSU Professional Staff Union

Dianne M Kirkpatrick Public Safety
Linda O'Brien Customer Service

Student Affairs

  Faculty Union

Dorothy Renaghan


James Coen

James Overton Public Safety
Margaret Peterson Pinkham Human Resources
Maureen Pelton Human Resources
Michael McGerigle Facilities
Peter Schneider EH&S
Denise M Duggan Facilities
Anne Marie McLaughlin Emergency Preparedness
Christina Dunn Facilities
Zehra Schneider Graham EH&S
Richard Graham Facilities
Darryl Mayers Risk Assessment



Meeting Schedule & Structure

Next Scheduled Meeting is

WEDNESDAY December 18, 2013
11:00am- 1:00pm in the Quinn Building Room 308


Meeting Structure
-Committee members will meet once a month. (current schedule below)
-The committee is co-chaired by labor and management.
-Some meetings will be theme based, intended to work on one issue/problem/plan or procedure.
-Theme meetings will be attended by any member willing to work out the issue but need not be attended by all that attend the general meetings. Nonmembers can be invited to participate in resolving issues or to brief.

Theme meetings:
•Reviewing the injury & incident data collection/reporting systems, including clarifying how reports are made, what data is collected, and what reports are made available to the committee
• Indoor air quality on campus: regularly review classroom air testing results from EH&S; establish a system for air testing in offices as well; develop plans to address problem areas
• Master Plan Implementation: provide updates to the committee on both general and specific impacts related to the transformation of the campus envisioned under the Master Plan and efforts to repair and maintain existing facilities.
• Coordination with other committees or groups with safety-related missions, including the Safety Planning Committee, Laboratory Safety Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, etc.






Created & maintained by Y. Vaillancourt , UMass Boston 11/2013