Bio 679 : Protein Chemistry and Enzymology

Taught by Pr. Manickam Sugumaran

Wednesdays 4:30-7:30pm, M-1-318

Full Syllabus (pdf)

Important Dates
Lecture Topics
Important Information
Jan. 27
Introductory class.  
Feb. 1    
Add/Drop ends
Feb. 3
Separation technology; Separation and purification of proteins based on their size, charge, biological affinity and other physicochemical properties.  
Feb. 10 Immobilization of enzymes and use of immobilized enzymes.  
Feb 15
President’s day - Holiday
Feb. 17
Primary structure of proteins, amino acid analysis; protein sequencing; peptide synthesis.
Amino Acids
Feb. 24
Secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.

Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis

Enzymes in Organic Solvents

Tertiary & Quaternary Structure of Proteins

Mar. 3
Enzyme classification; enzyme kinetics – single substrate rxns; inhibition studies; multi-substrate rxns.  
(Take home exam due)
Mar. 10
pH and temperature effects on enzymes; thermo-stability of enzymes and enzymes in non-aqueous solution.  
Mar. 13-21
Spring Break
Mar. 17
Evacuation day.  
Mar. 24 Regulation of enzyme activity; allosteric models

Regulation of Enzyme Activity  


(Take home exam due)
Mar. 31 Active site labeling; chemical modification of proteins; suicidal inactivation.

Apr. 1    
Pass/Fail and Course withdrawal deadline.
Apr. 7 Post-translational modification of proteins.
 Post-translational Modifications
Apr.14 Catalytic antibodies; Combinatorial chemistry
  Catalytic Antibody
Apr. 19
Patriot’s day - Holiday
Apr. 21
Ribozymes. coenzymes
Apr. 28
Enzyme mechanisms
 Enzyme Mechanisms
May 5
(Take home exam due) Drug discovery through protein chemistry; Proteomics.
May 12 Classes end. Student presentations.  
May 13-16
Study Period  
May 17-21
Final Exams (No exam) Final Paper due.  
May 25    
Grades Due

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